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Peloton Cycle API

posted tagged: python

Some notes on getting data out of a Peloton Cycle.

The MVP, in a jupyter notebook:

  • getting out a few different users rides
  • figuring out days since last ride

The project:

  • displaying them on a raspberry pi pico 2, cycling through users
  • display a emoji depending on days lapsed since last tide


  • Crunch all rides in the last week or month and display an effort number
  • a simple graph?

There doesn’t seem to be a officlal API, but there is an unofficial API and a recently updated python wrapper called pelotoncycle which does exactly what I need:

import pylotoncycle

username = 'your username or email address'
password = 'your password'
conn = pylotoncycle.PylotonCycle(username, password)
workouts = conn.GetRecentWorkouts(5)

Raspbery Pi Pico W

Weather API for AU:

Free API - see it in action here:


A limitation of this wrapper is that it only returns the logged in users rides, I want to be able to get the recent rides of the ppl I’m following. This data is visible to me, so the API probably exposes this too.