every blog needs subheader text

Astro Blogging

posted , updated tagged: astro

This website now runs on Astro, and uses tailwindcss and mdx.

It previously used an overly complicated python script I wrote, but it kept getting longer, so rather than spend time on the blog engine, using a tool like Astro makes it easier to just write.

Astro basics

# create a new project with npm
npm create astro@latest

Start the dev server by:

npm run dev           # only exposes to your machine
npm run dev -- --host # expose on your local network, handy for checking on a phone/tablet

Why npm has this extra -- before the --host???

Upgrade astro by npx @astrojs/upgrade

Setup integrations:

  • mdx - to use components inside posts
  • tailwind - style all the things
  • svelte - for search etc, though not using at the moment
npx astro add mdx
npx astro add tailwind
npx astro add svelte

Astro Components

Astro integrations

Astro has a number of official and community built integrations.

Astro mdx

Using this to have interactive web pages with components, e.g an observable plot etc.

MDX allows you to use variables, JSX expressions and components within Markdown content in Astro.

npx astro add mdx

Observable plot

Trying our embedding an observable plot in mdx.

<div id="myplot"></div>

<script type="module">
  import * as Plot from "";

  const plot = Plot.rectY(
    { length: 10000 },
    Plot.binX({ y: "count" }, { x: Math.random, tip: true })

  //attach to the div
  const div = document.querySelector("#myplot");

The above code should produce a plot with interactive tooltips:

So the above does work, but I could also look into installing observable into astro by npm install @observablehq/plot, and adding it to my blog post template as an import

import * as Plot from "@observablehq/plot";

Astro should smartly not include any imports which aren’t used on a page, e.g only a few blog pages will have

Astro Embed

grab a youtube/x link on its own line in markdown and embed it.

npm i astro-embed

You can import embed components for more customization, but to keep it simple, setup Auto-embed URLs in MDX


I don’t need this for this blog setup, installing this to learn some svelte.

npx astro add svelte


Visualizing Data with Astro and Observable Plot

In this post, we’ll look at how to create data visualizations using Astro and Observable Plot.

Here’s an example visualization of the Iris dataset, rendered below: